World’s Oldest Person Who Lived Until 117 Attributed Her Longevity to This One Food She Ate Every Day
Marias Branyas Morera (@MariaBranyas112), famously known as the Super Catalan Grandma, was the oldest person to exist on earth at 117. She died in August 2024 but the puzzle behind her longevity remains to be resolved. In a resurfaced post on X (formerly Twitter), the late Spanish woman shared her secret food to longevity in addition to precious life and dietary advice.
“Many people ask me what diet I follow to live so many years. I have always eaten little, but everything, and I have never followed any diet,” Morera wrote in the first half of her resurfaced post from December 2022. She also disclosed that never has she suffered from “any illness” or underwent an operation or surgery. Before revealing her little secret, Super Catalan Grandma noted luck’s contribution to influencing longevity in anybody’s life. “I think longevity is also about being lucky. Luck and good genetics,” she opined.
Molts em pregunten quina dieta segueixo per viure tants anys. Jo sempre he menjat poc, però de tot, i mai he seguit cap règim. No he patit cap malaltia ni he passat per un quiròfan. Penso que la longevitat també és tenir sort. Sort i una bona genètica. I tant important és 👇
— Super Àvia Catalana (@MariaBranyas112) December 10, 2022
Finally, Morera revealed that she drinks yogurt every day while emphasizing how the food needs to be rescued from the changing dietary dynamics in this generation. She called yogurt a “lifelong food” whose positive properties exceed any other food while also citing a reference of a Bulgarian study. “In an age where diets and miraculous foods for well-being and health are constantly emerging, it is necessary to save yogurt,” the late personality stated in a follow-up post.
una bona alimentació, com l’estil de vida que portem: ordre, tranquil•litat, bona connexió amb la família i amics, contacte amb la natura, estabilitat emocional, sense preocupacions, sense remordiments, molta positivitat i lluny de les persones tòxiques. 👇
— Super Àvia Catalana (@MariaBranyas112) December 10, 2022
In subsequent posts, the grandma went on to add further information about the significance of consuming yogurt. Yogurt is a dairy product obtained by fermentation of milk with microorganisms and is rich in nutrients like calcium and protein, per MedicalNewsToday. By the same token, Morera advised that "regular consumption extends life.” She even referenced a Persian tradition that suggested Abraham’s long life was due to his prolonged consumption of this dairy product.
I un consell, si em permeteu. En una època en què constantment sorgeixen dietes i aliments miraculosos per al benestar i la salut, cal rescatar el iogurt, un aliment de tota la vida amb una infinitat de propietats positives per a l'organisme. Un estudi búlgar, sosté que el seu 👇
— Super Àvia Catalana (@MariaBranyas112) December 10, 2022
Speaking for herself, the Catalonia native disclosed that La Fageda yogurt was her go-to for years. She called it the “most unique yogurt” to exist because of the company’s rich origin, values, purpose, and commitment. “For 20 years, it has been my "heavenly manna". The best yogurt in the world. It gives life, it is life,” she wrote promoting La Fageda’s yogurt. During her final years, Morera cooperated with researchers from the University of Barcelona for a study on longevity.
consum regular allarga la vida. Segons la tradició persa, la longevitat d’Abraham va tenir l'origen en el consum perllongat de iogurt.
— Super Àvia Catalana (@MariaBranyas112) December 10, 2022
Jo prenc cada dia iogurt de La Fageda @fageda, un iogurt natural, saborós, cremós... i amb un gust especial de dignitat, autoestima, confiança,👇
Fans were enthralled by the late woman’s spirit and perspective on life. “One fan @graboignasi urged the “young people” to pay attention to Morera’s words while marking her as a lady with “globality” and someone who has always approached life with a generous and optimistic attitude. However, a critic @cserventbatlle contested the notable woman’s claims about yogurt. He pointed out that the food item was the third step of the food pyramid. He compared it with fruit while advising that the latter is more beneficial due to the absence of preservatives in it. The critic appreciated Morera’s life advice nevertheless and wrote, “You are truly enviable. I will try to follow your advice, I think it is the key.”
tolerància, responsabilitat... Si us endinseu en la seva història, descobrireu que és el iogurt més singular que existeix, per la procedència, el propòsit, el compromís i els seus valors. Des de fa 20 anys, és el meu “mannà celestial”. El millor iogurt del mon. Dóna vida, és vida
— Super Àvia Catalana (@MariaBranyas112) December 10, 2022
Morera was born to Catalan immigrants in San Francisco in 1907 but later moved back to her homeland in Catalonia at eight, per the New York Times. She gained popularity for her longevity as she survived two world wars, the Spanish Civil War, and two pandemics until passing away due to natural causes earlier this year. After the COVID-19 pandemic, Morera earned the title of the world’s oldest COVID-19 survivor, thus, adding to her acclaim.