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Blind Cow Has a Tear-Jerking Reunion With Sister Rescued From Dairy Farm After 8 Months of Separation

Today, the two sisters, Hope and Love are inseparable, thanks to the kind family who relinquished them to the ranch.
Two black and white cows playing with each other. (Representative Cover Image Source: Pexels | Johan Backman)
Two black and white cows playing with each other. (Representative Cover Image Source: Pexels | Johan Backman)

For the past eight months, Hope had been living her life to the fullest in the lush barn of Sale Ranch Animal Sanctuary located in Wine Country, Southern California. The gorgeous black cow with a wiggle of white on her forehead, spent her time in various leisurely activities inside this sanctuary farm. She loves munching on cookie snacks, playing ball, spending quiet time, and receiving cuddles, scratches, and grooming sessions, not to forget the playful moments she had with her friend Faith. But the happiest moment of her life was when she got reunited with her long-separated sister, Love. Lately, footage of their reunion has been making rounds on social media, making people teary-eyed.

A group of cows grazing on a farm yard. (Image Source: Pexels | Matthias Zomer)
A group of cows grazing on a farm yard. (Representative Image Source: Pexels | Matthias Zomer)

Hope was just one day old when she was separated from her mother, as most calves are, in dairy farms. Born blind, the poor calf was bred for milk production. As luck would have it, a compassionate family purchased Hope for their family’s dairy requirements. However, soon enough, they realized that Hope was blind. Saddened, they approached a farmer to buy her from them. And even though the farmer agreed to buy her, he told them that she was “defective” and therefore, he’d euthanize her. Horrified at her tragic fate, the family refused to sell him the cow and instead, brought her back home. They also bought an “exchange cow” named Love. That’s when Hope and Love met for the first time.


It wasn’t long after this that the sanctuary received a phone call from the family, who appealed to relinquish Hope as they couldn't care for her. The sanctuary brought Hope into the safe comfort of their ranch. “Ramp freaks her out,” an official exclaimed while Hope was jumping out of their van. Her fellow cows including Cherry and Faith welcomed her with open arms, and soon Hope found her gang of friends to play with. After a while, the sanctuary shared Hope’s story on their website, with a perky photo of Hope wearing a colorful, iridescent princess crown, looking at the camera with a cool attitude.

Hope, the gorgeous black cow posing stylishly for the camera (Image Source: Sale Ranch Animal Sanctuary)
Hope, the gorgeous black cow posing stylishly for the camera (Image Source: Sale Ranch Animal Sanctuary)

Gradually, Hope healed, recovered, and became more cheerful than ever. But it wasn’t the end of her story. In a serendipitous turn of events, the sanctuary received another phone call from the same family. Due to their life circumstances, the family had decided to relinquish Love as well. The staff was excited about bringing Love because they hadn’t witnessed a reunion happen on the farm before. They treaded through a dusty trail to arrive at the family’s farm, where Love stood behind the fence with some tawny-colored straps buckled around her head. The officials freed the cow and the exuberant cow hopped inside their van. “I see curiosity, I see strength. Love was, and will be again, Hope’s eyes,” one employee said while driving Love home.

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As the van entered the ranch, a loud moo from Hope welcomed the guests. They flanked open the trailer’s door. Love rushed outside and galloped towards Hope, who awaited her on the other side of the fence. Surprisingly, the two girls had recognized each other after such a long duration of remaining separated. As the two girls reunited, they embraced each other with a kiss. Love pranced inside the ranch and the two sisters started cuddling, expressing love. She plunged her neck inside a basket of hay, gripped a clump in her mouth, and shared it with Hope. Hope eagerly received the snack and ate it while bobbing her head. They licked each other with their tongues and canoodled each other’s ears. 


“Hope is so happy right now,” the employees looking at the scene commented. Two months later, Hope and Love are inseparable. They sleep together and eat together. The magical moment of their reunion is the epitome of the old proverb that a sanctuary official recited when looking at the scene, “I feel like whatever happens is exactly how it is supposed to happen!”