Scientists Find a 'Muppet'-Like Creature Under Pacific Ocean — Then, They Took a Closer Look
The sinister-looking black creature depicted shapeshifting abilities by first morphing its mouth into a balloon and then turning into a snake.
12 hours ago
Researchers Stumble Upon a Meteorite in Antarctica That Holds a 4.5 Billion-Year-Old Secret
The speck was lodged inside a chondritic meteorite that scientists discovered in the Antarctic ice.
13 hours ago
Scientists Capture Penguins Making Sounds Underwater in a Way We've Never Seen Before
Most of the penguins seemed to chat with others while they were in the sea, away from their breeding colonies.
14 hours ago
Scientists Warn An Antarctic Glacier the Size of Florida is 'Hanging On By Its Fingernails'
The Doomsday Glacier is currently struck in a feedback loop triggered by global warming, which could lead the sea levels to rise by 16 feet.
15 hours ago
Study Reveals Just Like Humans, Fish Also Have 'Voices' And Now You Can Hear Them
Fish may produce sounds in a number of ways, but the most common way they produce it is by vibrating the muscles of their swim bladders.
1 day ago
A Mineral Seen on Mars Has Now Been Found Deep in Antarctica and Scientists Want to Know Why
If scientists can understand how this mineral was formed in Antarctica, they might be able to trace signs of water on Mars.
1 day ago
Stunning Footage Reveals What Happens When an Octopus Wakes Up From a 'Nightmare'
After writhing restlessly for a few moments, the octopus spewed black ink from his body, filling the tank.
1 day ago
Incredible Clip Shows a Hiking Trail That Turned Into Underwater Paradise After Heavy Rain
The submerged vegetation in crystal clear water also has lush green hiking trails and looks mesmerizing to the visitors.
1 day ago
Chilling Video of a Cruise Ship Sailing Along The Drake Passage Has People Feeling The Same Thing
Drake Passage is one of the most dangerous waterways on the way to Antarctica.
2 days ago
Musician Records a Song on His Acoustic Guitar While Completely Submerged in the Caribbean Sea
Bernth's stellar video and melodious underwater masterpiece wasn't recorded without a series of obstacles. But marvelous results ensued.
2 days ago
Researchers Finally Solve the Mystery Behind the Ghostly Mitten-Shaped Structure on Greenland Ice
One ice sheet in Greenland featured a mysterious apparition that formed in 2011 due to an incredible natural phenomenon.
2 days ago
Stunning Clip Captures an Octopus Changing Colors While Dreaming in a Way We’ve Never Seen Before
The complex biology of an octopus shines through as a brief snippet displays its unique ability to camouflage in water.
3 days ago
Diver Cracks Open An Egg Underwater — No One Was Ready For What Happens to the Yolk
Underwater, the cracked egg responds in a way that may seem implausible, but is rooted in hard-hitting science that many don't know.
3 days ago
Google Earth User Stunned To Find a Ghostly 400-Feet Ice Ship Lying Abandoned in Antarctica
People who watched the video made wild guesses about the mystery. Some said it was a secret UFO base, while others said it was just ice.
3 days ago
Experts Who Are Going to Antarctica for Work Must Get Two Organs Removed From Their Bodies
Although a rescue aircraft can always be dispatched, Antarctica's extreme weather conditions call for a much effective precaution.
3 days ago
Scuba Diver Finds 'Ocean Graveyard' in North Carolina — Then He Took a Closer Look at The Bottom
From shark teeth to sediment-coated scallop shells, the diver discovered a treasure trove of prehistoric artifacts.
4 days ago
Scientists Finally Found the Ship That Warned the Titanic About the Massive Iceberg Ahead
Although SS Mesaba's warning reached Titanic's wireless operators, it never got communicated to the control center.
4 days ago
World’s Most Remote Post Office in Antarctica Has a Job That Includes Counting Penguins
The job includes some of the weirdest tasks on the planet, from sorting out thousands of letters to wiping penguin poop and more.
4 days ago
Researchers Accidentally Record Eerie Sound of a Texas-Sized Ice Shelf 'Singing' in Antarctica
During a period of three years, the singing ice constantly changed its pitch and frequency based on the changing weather patterns.
4 days ago
Scientists Spot Unique Creature That Appears To Be Wearing Goggles in the Depths of Pacific Ocean
The unusual eyes of this creature enables it to scour food in the dark underwater zone, by preying upon little jellies for instance.
5 days ago