Pomegranate Is Packed With Antioxidants, but Is It Safe for Your Cat?
Cats cannot properly digest pomegranates in the same way that humans do.
Published Dec. 9 2024, 3:02 p.m. ET

We are a species that loves to consume fruit throughout every season, but our taste preferences and what we can safely eat often differ from our companion cats and dogs. Sure, we love getting our vitamins in for relatively low calories, but too much fruit can be unsafe — even deadly — for your companion kitty.
If you happened to pick up a pomegranate from your latest trip to the farmers market, you may be wondering if it is safe to share the fruit with your kitty. Keep reading below to learn more about what vets say about pomegranates — and why.
If you are considering significant changes to your cat's diet, always check with your vet to ensure you aren't unintentionally putting your kitty at risk.

Can cats eat pomegranate?
Although pomegranates aren't immediately toxic for most healthy cats, they are nevertheless a fruit that your cat should avoid. As carnivores, cats do not need fruit, and their typical diet should provide the nutrients they require.
Per Spot Pet Insurance, there are far more risks to giving your cat pomegranate (including seeds and juice) than there are potential benefits as the nutrients can be sourced from other, safer, lower-risk foods that are better for your cat to consume anyway.
Your companion cat's digestive system is different from yours, and the tannins and acids within pomegranates do not often agree with your cat's stomach. Translation: upset tummy, diarrhea, and allergic reactions all may follow.
Can cats eat pomegranate seeds?
Per Catster, another downside to giving your cat pomegranate is that you may unintentionally provide them excess Vitamin C, which could also be a health risk in some cats. Similarly, the high sugar content in fruits generally means that cats already at risk for diabetes and weight issues could be at further risk.
Although pomegranates aren't the sweetest fruit on the market, the sugar content nevertheless places your kitty at an unnecessary risk.
Finally, pomegranate seeds pose a choking hazard to your cat. If your vet says that your cat can have a tiny bit of pomegranate on rare occasions, it is best to crush the seeds so that you mitigate the risk of your cat choking.
As the pet food brand Purina explains, apples, blueberries, and strawberries may be safer for your cat to eat.

Can dogs eat pomegranate?
No, your dog should not eat pomegranate, as it may be too harmful for them to consume. According to PetMD, the risks are far more dire than the potential benefits of giving your dog pomegranate.
Pomegranates can cause a choking hazard for your dog, and they may likewise develop stomach issues from consuming pomegranate seeds. There are fruits that may be safer for your dog to eat instead, like apples, bananas, oranges, and blueberries.