Is ‘CoComelon’ Actually Bad for Kids? Here’s What Experts Say

Published April 26 2023, 3:40 p.m. ET
With all of the different streaming services and content on the internet, it can be hard to determine what your child should and shouldn’t watch. The territory can get even murkier when your child loves a show that you’re not sure is good for them.
This is exactly the problem with CoComelon, a popular YouTube channel with its own Netflix show. Some parents believe the show is too overstimulating, leading them to wonder if CoComelon is bad for kids.
Some parents are concerned that ‘CoComelon’ is bad for kids.

CoComelon is a well-known kid’s cartoon show that features nursery rhymes, bright colors, and a variety of characters with the intention to educate and entertain. Both the show and the YouTube channel are widely enjoyed by children all over the world.
But within the past year, parents have begun to share their concerns about the show on social media. Most of the worries are regarding the “hyperstimulating” scenes and the show’s potentially addictive qualities, according to Ann Arbor Family.
A few moms have even shared stories about how their children reacted when the program was turned off. On a Reddit thread titled "CoComelon is overstimulating," parents relayed their experiences with epic meltdowns and tantrums, and one commenter even said that their son “turned into a monster.”
It’s important to note that while some people dealt with strong reactions, others reported that their children were completely fine after the show was turned off. One parent shared their experience: “We have never had a meltdown over turning it off. He also quit watching it himself, he asks for other shows now instead.”
Clearly, all children are impacted differently during and after the show.
Here’s what the experts had to say about 'CoComelon':
Like most things in life, there’s not a yes or no answer to whether or not children should be watching CoComelon. Many experts share the benefits but also encourage moderation — at the end of the day, it’s a choice to be made by each individual family.
If you’re using the show as an educational resource, pediatricians from the University of Michigan shared that it’s important to remember that not all shows described as “educational” are actually so. For young children, the best way to learn isn’t through a screen, it’s through singing and playing with caregivers, Ann Arbor Family explained.
This doesn’t mean that shows like CoComelon should necessarily be completely off-limits, it just means that they should be used to supplement in-person learning.
One psychologist shared with Ann Arbor Family that the repetition of the music in the show can actually provide educational value. Visual and auditory learning can be incredibly helpful for many children.

As for the overstimulation claims, there’s a lot of mixed research on the topic. A psychologist told WJLA TV that, for the most part, this isn’t a CoComelon-specific issue. The main issue is too much screen time and children's shows with fast-paced sequences.
Psychologist Dr. Melissa Dvorsky told the news outlet that some studies state that watching shows like CoComelon before the age of 2 can negatively impact executive functions at age 9, but that the exact cause is unknown.
Overall, if you have concerns about CoComelon negatively impacting your children, speaking with their physician, limiting CoComelon time, and finding alternative shows might be good solutions.