World Environment Day 2022 Evokes the Rich Legacy of the Only One Earth Campaign

Published June 3 2022, 9:12 a.m. ET

Hosted by Sweden, World Environment Day 2022 marks a rare opportunity for businesses, communities, schools, and individuals alike to come up with meaningful ways to engage with the official theme: "Only One Earth."
Borrowing inspiration from the theme of the Expo '74, which was the second-ever World Environment Day, the upcoming event on Sunday, June 5, 2022 encourages individuals and professional entities to implement constructive solutions and combat the climate breakdown.
World Environment Day 2022: Here's what you should know about the theme and the slogan.
World Environment Day 2022 falls on the 50th anniversary of the 1972 UN Conference on the Human Environment held in Stockholm, Sweden, which culminated in the Stockholm Declaration.
As such, it provides an excellent opportunity to reconsider the legacy of the 1972 UN Conference on the Human Environment, a landmark event that first called for the recognition of the rapid environmental changes as a legitimate political, societal, and cultural concern.
World Environment Day 2022 doubles as a great opportunity to revisit the Stockholm Declaration, a set of principles countries committed to circumventing the climate breakdown agreed to follow at the 1972 UN Conference on the Human Environment.
The list calls on participants to help allocate financial resources to less developed nations. Another principle states that "human settlements must be planned to eliminate environmental problems." The protection of natural resources, wildlife, and the oceans also made it to the list.
As mentioned above, the theme and campaign slogan for this year's World Environment Day is "Only One Earth," which was also the theme way back in 1974. This year's holiday will also focus on “Living Sustainably in Harmony with Nature.”
The first World Environment Day was held in 1973, a year after the 1972 UN Conference on the Human Environment.
The idea of organizing a World Environment Day first came up in the discussions conducted as part of the 1972 UN Conference on the Human Environment. The event was agreed on at the summit. The first-ever World Environment Day was held on June 5, 1973.
The second one, dubbed Expo '74 (shorthand for International Exposition on the Environment), was hosted by Spokane, Wash. Only One Earth served as the official theme. The event aimed to subvert the style of world fairs focusing on technological development.
So, how does one take part in World Environment Day 2022?
3,759 events have been advertised on the official website of World Environment Day 2022 thus far. Those eager to partake can easily browse the map showcasing activities taking place worldwide.
Take, for instance, a chemicals and pollution action taking place in Gilford, N.H., which aims to improve the water quality of Lake Winnipesaukee by removing phosphorus and the implementation of a restorative measure, a mitigation project.
Corning, N.Y. has pledged to continue transitioning its transportation system to accommodate more cycling. Philipsburg, Sint Maarten, will aim to transform waste management, on the other hand. World Environment Day 2022 is as much for businesses, government, and civil organizations as it is for individuals.
Drawing competitions frequently occur on Earth Day. What about World Environment Day 2022?
The events listed on the official World Environment Day 2022 seem to predominantly focus on solutions that are usually implemented by businesses, local governments, and other organizations.
Several entities, including the Envis Hub Centre in Pondicherry, India, have organized drawing competitions to mark the occasion. There are plenty of events organized by and for local communities as well.