The Turkeys the President Pardons Have a Better Fate Than Those in the Slaughterhouse
Turkey pardoning seems well and good — but is it really just a cheap ploy by the poultry industry?

Updated Nov. 25 2024, 10:50 a.m. ET

Every Thanksgiving, the U.S. president gathers a crowd outside of the White House to “pardon” a turkey or two, sparing them from sharing the same fate as the 46 million turkeys killed for U.S. Thanksgiving celebrations each fall. But are their lives actually spared, or will the President be sitting down to eat them on Thursday evening? Dun dun dun...
Read on to find out exactly what happens to the turkeys the president pardons for Thanksgiving.
What happens to the turkey the president pardons?

Though imperfect, the turkeys pardoned by the president have a far better fate than most turkeys raised in the U.S. — and a pretty suite life (pun definitely intended) in the days leading up to the ceremony, too.
Before the presidential ceremony, the two turkeys (usually one is an alternate, but sometimes both get pardoned) get to spend a few days sharing a luxurious room at the Willard Hotel in downtown Washington, D.C.
The birds are typically introduced to the public during a press conference ahead of the official turkey pardoning ceremony. Then, after the president pardons the turkeys, they are off to a new forever home.
Since 2016, the pardoned turkeys typically head from the ceremony to their permanent retirement home at Gobblers Rest. The enclosure is located at Virginia Tech’s College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, where the pardoned turkeys are bedding, heat, food, water, and outdoor access for the rest of their lives, according to WAMU. In the past, pardoned turkeys have been sent to retire everywhere from Disney World to a farm in New Jersey, as per Inside Edition.

In 2022, the two pardoned turkeys were sent to retire at a new location: North Carolina State University’s College of Agriculture and Life Sciences.
At the university, they were set to live in a 100-square-foot, climate-controlled pen "under the expert care of university poultry specialists and students." The school is also working on a "biosecure mobile coop" that will be used to transport the turkeys to the North Carolina State Fair and other events "for public viewing and educational outreach."
Even the department's interim head Peter Ferket described the facility as a "retirement home" for the two turkeys, unfortunately, they will not truly be treated to a retirement. They may have been spared from being slaughtered, but they will be used to teach people about "the importance of the poultry industry" — which profits upon breeding and killing turkeys and chickens, and has an immense environmental impact.
In 2023, the pardoned turkeys were sent to live at the University of Minnesota's College of Food, Agricultural and National Resource Sciences, as reported by ABC News.
How long do the pardoned turkeys live?
Though living at a university — where they are studied by students and taken to state fairs and other events — is not as serene as a farmed animal sanctuary, we're glad that pardoned turkeys get to live out the rest of their lives without fear of winding up in a slaughterhouse. Unfortunately, the remainder of their lives is not very long.
As Rami Dalloul, a poultry immunologist and Virginia Tech professor, explained on The Kojo Nnamdi Show, Thanksgiving turkeys have been bred to grow very big very fast to make them ideal for human consumption, and they are generally slaughtered at around 14 weeks of age, when they weigh between 12 and 15 pounds.
The turkeys used for the presidential pardon are already a bit older and heavier than that, and typically only live for a few years before they pass away, Dalloul added, even though a turkey’s lifespan in the wild can be up to 15 years.
What turkeys did Biden pardon in 2024?

On Nov. 25, 2024, President Biden pardoned turkeys Peach and Blossom, per CBS News. Following their stay at the Willard Intercontinental Hotel and the pardoning ceremony, the duo will head to Farmamerica: MN Agricultural Interpretive Center in Waseca, Minn.
An event like the presidential turkey pardon helps the National Turkey Federation seem like a wholesome organization, when in actuality, the turkey industry is incredibly cruel, environmentally destructive, and profit-driven.
If the pardoning ceremony has inspired you to skip the turkey this Thanksgiving, you may consider joining a few celebrities and symbolically adopting a turkey instead. And check out our recommendations of plant-based turkey roasts, meatless Thanksgiving dishes, and vegan Thanksgiving side dishes.
This article, originally published on Nov. 24, 2020, has been updated to reflect the 2024 turkey pardoning.