Plant-Based Passover Recipes + Tips for a Vegan Seder Plate
Keep your Passover eco-friendly by making these vegan dishes.

Updated April 3 2023, 4:51 p.m. ET

One of the best parts of Passover is all the food served at the Seder — so why not make a yummy vegan Passover recipe this year?
Eating vegan is one of the most positive lifestyle changes we can make for the planet. Not to mention, a vegan lifestyle does not contribute to animal abuse, and a healthy plant-based diet can have incredible effects on the body.
Plus, matzah is vegan — making Passover the perfect holiday to serve a plant-based menu.
Here are some vegan Passover recipes for your Seder:
On the following list, you'll find recipes for some of the simplest (but delicious, of course) vegan kosher for Passover dishes that the internet has to offer. And if you need a refresher on which foods are and aren't kosher for Passover, here's a guide from Reform Judaism.
Vegan matzah ball soup

Luckily, matzah is vegan — so why not whip up a quick vegan matzah ball soup? To make PETA's matzah balls, all you need is matzah meal, potato starch, oil, water, baking soda, salt, and garlic powder; the blog Edgy Veg's recipe takes things up a notch by including seltzer water and coconut oil.
Vegan charoset

Chances are, your favorite charoset recipe is already vegan! This charoset recipe from Epicurious is super simple — all you'll need are apples, walnuts, red wine, ground cinnamon, and brown sugar.
Vegan gefilte fish
Not-so-fun fact: There are no gefilte fish swimming around the ocean — gefilte fish just refers to the ground up flesh of a variety of species of fish. Fortunately, it's pretty easy to replicate this dish (and its customary giant carrot slice) without any real fish. Check out this recipe for vegan gefilte fish from the Jewish Vegetarian Society, which uses a blend of cauliflower, parsnip, onion, and spices to replicate a fishy flavor.
Vegan Matzah Brei
Passover's version of French toast, matzah brei (Yiddish for fried matzah), is typically made with eggs — but there are numerous options for making your matzah brei vegan this year.
This simple recipe from the blog Vegan Start simply uses water and potato starch to soften and bind your matzah into a brei.
Then, this recipe from the blog SunnysideHanne uses silken tofu instead of eggs (though some Ashkenazi Jews do not eat tofu or any legume products on Passover
O, follow your favorite traditional matzah brei recipe, and replace the eggs with Just Egg, Follow Your Heart's VeganEgg, or, my personal (lazy) favorite: non-dairy milk with a dash of black salt, which makes for a supremely egg, sulfuric flavor.
Matzah lasagna
The Big Bang Theory actress Mayim Bialik is both Jewish and vegan — and on her YouTube channel (and in her cookbook), you'll find a variety of vegan and kosher for Passover recipes. One of her most intriguing is her recipe for vegan matzah lasagna, which essentially uses matzah instead of lasagna noodles. The recipe features a homemade vegan ricotta recipe made from macadamia nuts (though store-bought vegan cheese works too) mixed with jarred tomato sauce and whatever vegetables you have on hand.
Vegan jackfruit brisket
Making a vegan brisket out of jackfruit may sound like a big undertaking — but the two main ingredients in this recipe for vegan jackfruit brisket from My Jewish Learning are canned jackfruit and canned tomatoes, making this a surprisingly simple recipe.

Not only is tzimmes often vegan as is, but it's also super customizable — feel free to mix up the root vegetables and fruits in your tzimmes based on what you have in your kitchen. This recipe for vegan tzimmes from The Vegan Atlas features sweet potatoes, onions, carrots, apples or pears, prunes, apricots, orange juice, and more.
Check out these vegan Passover dessert recipes:
If you're going to forgo leavened bread for eight days, you'll probably be needing some dessert. Here are a few kosher for Passover vegan dessert recipes.
Vegan matzah bark
All you need to make matzah bark (aka matzah brittle or matzah crack) is matzah, dark chocolate, and the toppings of your choice, such as nuts, seeds, shredded coconut, dried fruit, and sea salt. This Vegetarian Times' matzah bark recipe is a great guide.
Vegan macaroons

It wouldn't be Passover without macaroons. If you're a fan of coconut-based desserts, check out this straightforward recipe for vegan coconut macaroons for Passover by the blog Fran Costigan.
How to make a vegan Seder plate:

Four of the six Seder plate items — matzah, charoset, maror (bitter herbs), and karpas (vegetables, typically parsley) — are already vegan. Woohoo! The two remaining items — the zeroa (usually a shankbone) and baytzah (usually a hard-boiled egg) — both come from animals. What's interesting is, these items are not actually used or eaten during the Seder — and there are easy ways to replace them.
According to the organization Jewish Veg, the Talmud mentions that the sage Rav Huna used a beet to symbolize the Passover lamb, making a beet a solid choice to replace the shankbone on your Seder plate.
As for the baytzah, you have a few options. The baytzah symbolizes fertility and renewal, according to Jewish Veg. One Green Planet suggests representing that sense of rebirth by using seeds, ripe fruit with a pit, a flower, an avocado pit, or an orange to represent the baytzah on your Seder plate.
You may also consider making a vegan hard boiled egg from scratch (the blog a Veg Taste from A to Z has a recipe that uses silken tofu as the base). Or, you could buy Crafty Counter's WunderEggs, a product that hit the market in early 2023, and looks and tastes just like real hard boiled eggs.
For ideas on how to keep all eight days of Passover eco-friendly, click here for our best zero-waste Passover tips.
This article, originally published on April 3, 2020, has been updated to include updated info on Passover 2023.