Vegan Captions for Instagram: Quotes, Puns, and More

Published Sept. 9 2021, 11:19 a.m. ET

Whether you’re sharing a photo in honor of your veganniversary, a selfie at an animal rights protest, or simply of a delicious plant-based meal, you’ll want to round out your post with the perfect caption.
No need to brainstorm any further — whether you’re vegan for the animals, the environment, your health, or any other reason, the following quotes, quips, and questions are our suggestions for your vegan Instagram captions.

Vegan quotes for Instagram captions:
“If we could live happy and healthy lives without harming others, why wouldn't we?” — Edgar’s Mission
“It takes nothing away from a human to be kind to an animal.” — Joaquin Phoenix
“The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.” — Mahatma Gandhi
“I just can't go on in my life knowing what's going on in the animal world and … not doing anything about it.” — Billie Eilish, to Insider
“Just because we can doesn’t mean we should. Just because we always have doesn’t mean we always have to. Once we know better, we should choose better.” — Colleen Patrick-Goudreau
“Some of us have lots of choices, while some have none at all. Those with the most power have the most responsibility. And most of us can do something. So, what will you do?” — Greta Thunberg, in a short film made with Mercy for Animals
“I don’t see why someone should lose their life just so you can have a snack.” – Russell Brand
“I don’t need anyone to die for me to live a very happy and successful life.” — Derek Sarno, to Plant Based News
“A vegan diet is probably the single biggest way to reduce your impact on planet Earth, not just greenhouse gases, but global acidification, eutrophication, land use and water use.” — Joseph Poore to The Guardian about his University of Oxford study.
Vegan quips, puns, and sayings for Instagram captions:
Wish you were vegan.
Never met a vegan [insert food here] that I didn’t like.
No animals were harmed in the making of this meal.
If vegan food is “rabbit food,” well… hippity hop!
Animals are friends, not food.
My body is a garden, not a graveyard.
Be nice to animals — don’t eat them.
Visualize whirled peas.
My food is grown, not born.
Animals are here with us, not for us
Animals are not ours to eat.
A little veganism never hurt anybody.
Eating plant-based with my plant baes.
Philosophical questions for vegan Instagram captions:
What’s more important… taste or life?
If slaughterhouses are not good enough for our eyes, why are their products good enough for our stomachs?
Can you really love animals and eat them too?
Why love one but eat another?
People always ask me, “If you were stranded on a deserted island, would you eat an animal?” Well, if you were living in a world with thousands of plant-based food options, why would you still choose to eat animals?
Would *you* like to be killed for someone’s meal?
If you wouldn't kill an animal chicken yourself, why pay for someone else to do it for you?