The Scientific and Spiritual Meanings of Uranus Being in Retrograde

Published Aug. 23 2021, 11:14 a.m. ET

Astrology enthusiasts and astronomers alike are commiserating over Uranus being in retrograde right now — but if you aren't a scientist or zodiac nerd you probably have absolutely no idea what that means. Since Aug. 19, 2021, the seventh planet from the sun has been traveling through space a little differently. So if you're interested in staying up-to-date on this five-month-long celestial spectacle, keep reading for the scientific and spiritual meaning behind Uranus being in retrograde.

The scientific meaning behind Uranus in retrograde:
First, let's look at what it means when a planet goes into "retrograde." Basically, when a planet is in retrograde, it effectively appears as if it's moving backwards through the sky, although it's merely an optical illusion. According to Astrology, planets will go into retrograde when the other planets start traveling at different speeds. Unlike Mercury, which goes into retrograde for a few weeks at a time, Uranus goes into retrograde for five months every year — so we're used to it by now.
Uranus went into retrograde on Aug. 19, 2021, and will continue to be until Jan. 18, 2022. While any planet that goes into retrograde is no longer a scientific mystery as of several centuries ago, it continues wreaking havoc in the astrology world. A planet in retrograde supposedly causes the planet's energy to become unpredictable, and many believe it can occasionally become disruptive to various aspects of human life, especially when it comes into contact with different constellations.
The spiritual meaning behind Uranus in retrograde:
If you believe in the spirituality behind celestial phenomenons like these, Uranus in retrograde can be kind of a toss-up. Sophie Saint Thomas from Allure compares Uranus' retrograde to a long-term relationship, which has ups and downs — but is ultimately positive. For some, it can provide some much-needed relaxation from an otherwise chaotic time of life, making way for time to improve certain areas of your life, whether it's political or personal.
For others, it might bring encouragement to step out of your comfort zone, and "rip off the Band-Aid" to make some major changes. Whether you take this time to leave your job and pursue your dreams, break up with your boo, or simply take more time to yourself, it's believed that this may be a good time to realize your worth and do what's best for you. It can affect each sun sign differently, though, so look up your horoscope during these next few months to see what Uranus' new path might bring.
Madi Murphy of The Cosmic RX and The Cosmic Revolution told Refinery 29 that we can all expect change.
"Like a super-loud and annoying alarm clock, this planet jolts you out of your sleep, causing you to wake up and return to reality,” she said. "Stand up for what’s right, bust out of any ruts you may have gotten into, and get comfortable being uncomfortable."
Clearly these next few months are going to be interesting — if anything, track down a telescope so you can see it all from your backyard.