How to See the Ring of Fire Solar Eclipse for Some Amazing Views

Published May 19 2021, 11:00 a.m. ET
Anyone who grew up in the suburbs remembers waiting until nighttime, filing into the car with their families, and driving to an area free of light pollution to watch a highly-anticipated solar eclipse. Just to refresh your memory, a solar eclipse takes place when the moon passes between the sun and Earth. Coming in June 2021, however, is an extra special event — the ring of fire solar eclipse definitely isn't something you'll want to miss.
With that in mind, keep reading for details on this magical phenomenon, including what causes a ring of fire solar eclipse, when it will be visible from planet Earth, and how you can see it. Our sun crystals are more ready than ever for a seriously unreal charging session.
What is a ring of fire solar eclipse?
A ring of fire solar eclipse, which is also known as an annular solar eclipse, happens when the sun, moon, and Earth are perfectly lined up, according to My Modern Met. The moon must be in its new moon phase, and it has to be at its farthest point from Earth as possible. When this occurs, the moon effectively blocks off the sun entirely, which only leaves behind a fiery-looking ring visible to lucky planet Earth spectators — it's truly a sight to see, but make sure to protect your eyes.
Spiritually, this gives viewers a chance to "see the light" and make some new discoveries, according to Satin Crystals. The ring of fire represents the discovery of new life lessons that fire up your inner Chi, making way for new artistic creations, business ideas, and turning over a new leaf in terms of healthy habits. It also supposedly signifies societies together underneath the sun, balancing both yin and yang, and it's the perfect time to charge up those beloved sun crystals.
When and where will the ring of fire solar eclipse be visible?
The ring of fire solar eclipse will be visible to certain communities on June 10, 2021 for — at most — 3 minutes and 51 seconds, according to Digital Camera World. Spectators across northern North America, throughout Northern Ontario, Quebec, and the Nunavut regions of Canada, as well as those in Eastern Greenland, the North Pole, and eastern Russia will be able to see it best at approximately 10:41 a.m. local time. We strongly suggest you tune into a livestream at that time, if you aren't there to witness it in person.
Those living in northern U.S. states or northern European countries are only expected to see a partial solar eclipse, though it's recommended but they check Time and Date for exact locations and timings, as they might be surprised by what they see. This will have been the first solar eclipse to be visible in North America since 2017, and unfortunately, the next annular solar eclipse probably won't be visible again until October 2023. That said, tuning into a livestream is crucial — we expect to see some seriously awesome pictures.