These Unique Floating Panels Convert Energy From the Ocean and Its Surroundings Into Power

Updated May 28 2020, 4:53 p.m. ET
Transitioning to renewable energy is now more important than ever, as our planet depends on more sustainable practices for a disease-free future. And while there are several types of renewable energy sources out there, including solar, wind, hydroelectric, geothermal, hydrokinetic, and bioenergy, a German startup has taken the liberty of combining a few of these energy conversion techniques into one incredible resource.
Sinn Power has developed a panel that floats in the ocean, converting energy from the ocean's waves, as well as solar and wind energy into power.
"We see a world where the power of nature and technology become one," Sinn's product video states. "...paving the way towards a a sustainable world, supplying generations to come, with the world's largest untapped resource: our oceans."
How do these floating panels work?
As previously mentioned, these floating panels will be placed in the ocean, converting solar, wind, and wave energy into power. The modular design apparently allows for flexibility and easy expansion, making it able to supply islands with energy worldwide, along with wind turbines, according to Forbes. Each panel will be equipped with electrical sensors that detect potential errors, making it easy to make quick repairs.
Each individual module will feature wave energy converters, which will power from the ocean's waves. Meanwhile, in the event that the ocean's waves aren't producing much energy, it will also be absorbing energy from the sun and wind, taking full advantage of the surrounding environmental conditions.
Other companies have failed to economically produce ocean panels.
Sinn isn't the first company to dabble in wave and tidal energy — a number of companies such as Aquamarine Power, Finnevera Renewables, OceanLinx, Pelamis, WaveGen, and others have crumbled due to bankruptcy, according to PV Magazine. Other businesses including: Verdant Power, Nova Innovation, and Wave Star Energy still exist, but they also focus on using gas and oil.
However, the since the Gauting, Germany-based company was founded back in 2014, it was able to lock down $6.2 million in funding from Schweizer Kapital, as well as a German government ministry. Needless to say, it seems like they have financial resources to continue their research and product development. Sinn hopes to test panels at Iraklio, off the coast of Greece, as soon as possible in summer 2020, to get the ball rolling.
Hopefully, this sustainable energy resource will expand, for the sake of human life.
World health leaders across the globe are petitioning G20, an international government-run group that works toward global economic stability, to create a variety of stimulus packages that will benefit the environment. It's believed that cleaner air and water supplies will benefit our planet, while also preventing another disease outbreak.
Since these ocean energy panels take full advantage of the surrounding conditions, rather than touching non-renewable resources, this is potentially a worthwhile investment for communities across the globe.

Moving away from non-renewable energy sources is absolutely vital, and these ocean energy panels certainly seem like a worthwhile investment. Hopefully Sinn's creation is ultimately utilized worldwide, for a good, clean and reusable energy source.