Josh Duhamel Shares His "Green Routine" as the Proud Owner of an EV (Exclusive)

Published Jan. 26 2022, 3:35 p.m. ET

Most of us are familiar with actor Josh Duhamel — in addition to recently signing on to the cast of Mighty Ducks: Game Changers, and starring in Shotgun Wedding alongside Jennifer Lopez later this year, he is always looking to live more sustainably. That's why we spoke with him on behalf of Heluva Good! Dips, to see how sustainability influences his daily life, through a Green Routine.
Duhamel is celebrating Super Bowl Sunday 2022 with Heluva Good! Dips — although he will be watching the game in-person, as it's taking place in Los Angeles this year, he is planning to surround himself with tasty game day bites and good friends all weekend long. When we spoke to him via Zoom, he was relaxing in his backyard, surrounded by a delectable spread of snacks.
"I'm out here with all my snacks. Look at me," he says. "This is like this is like a football fan's dream right here. I got the chips, got all the dip... And for my healthy friends, I got vegetables," he said, pointing to a delectable looking platter of crudités.
In addition to sharing his menu Duhamel was also excited to share his Green Routine with Green Matters.
This interview has been edited and condensed for clarity

GREEN MATTERS: What is like one of the biggest changes you've made to live more sustainably?
JOSH DUHAMEL: I think it's always something that I'm conscious of and an effort I've made, whether it's recycling, or the electric car that I drive. I'm probably not as good about it as I should be, but I am working on it. I do understand the importance of it. And I'm just always trying to buy things that are sustainable, and to not tax the planet as much as I can.
GM: What would you tell people who are hesitant about getting an electric car?
JD: I got a Tesla, and before that I had a hydrogen-powered car. And I love it — I truly love my Tesla. If you're worried about performance, it's as fast and maneuverable as any car you could ever have. Which I think is probably the case for most electric cars. And for living in Los Angeles, it's great for getting around the city. I would recommend it. I tell anybody my dad just got one, and my dad was probably the last one to get an electric car. So I think that once you get past the idea that they're not as high performance, or that they're not as reliable, they truly, truly are. That's what I would say to anybody who's looking for one.
GM: What is one tip that you would give to somebody who's trying to live more sustainably?
JD: One tip that I would give them is as long as you're conscious of it, and as long as you're making strides towards as small of a footprint as you can. It's important because as the Earth's population grows, it's going to get harder — to grow food, and the more trash we put into the oceans, and the more trash we put into these dumps, the less livable this planet is going to become. I think it's important that we try to make as many efforts as we can to become as sustainable as possible.
GM: What kinds of projects are you working on right now?
JD: I start [Mighty Duck: Game Changers] in late February... I got a bunch of fun stuff coming out — The Thing About Pam with Renee Zellweger is coming out, which is based on a true story — I play a defense attorney trying to take her down. And then this summer, we have Shotgun Wedding with Jennifer Lopez, which was one of the best times we've ever had shooting anything. And then a movie called Bandit, which is about the most notorious bank robbery in Canadian history. True story, which was a lot of fun to play. And then a movie called Blackout that I shot in Mexico City last year, which will be coming out later in the year.
"Green Routine" is a series from Green Matters that invites notable people in the environmental space to share the efforts they make to live more sustainably.