Zero-Waste Moms Join Forces for #GreenMomsWeek, Showing that Eco-Conscious Parenting Is Not About Perfection
"It doesn't look Instagram perfect like one may think," @yourecofriend tells Green Matters.

Updated March 11 2019, 11:52 a.m. ET

Transitioning to a zero-waste or low-waste lifestyle is a feat of its own — but maintaining a low-waste household when there are children in the mix is some Olympic-level environmentalism. To celebrate their accomplishments as eco-conscious parents, 11 zero-waste moms have come together for the first-ever Green Moms Week on Instagram. Each day during the week of March 10 through March 17, one to two low-waste moms are chronicling their day-to-day life in their Instagram stories, using the hashtag #GreenMomsWeek. The moms all share a goal of teaching their children to care for the Earth — but more importantly, they want to show people that reducing your waste as a parent is not about being perfect.
Instagram mamas Lacey from @naturally_modern and Jessie from @tinyyellowbungalow came up with the idea for #GreenMomsWeek, and the two reached out to nine other moms who document their zero-waste journeys on Instagram. "I'm so excited to be collaborating with these amazing moms who are working hard to cultivate change for the future," @naturally_modern captioned a photo of herself and her son to launch #GreenMomsWeek. "My hope is to share how we navigate a lower impact on the planet by making mindful changes at home."
Her #GreenMomsWeek co-founder @tinyyellowbungalow made it clear that this week is not about mason jars and bulk bins, but about doing your best and keeping it real. "We’ve got a group of 11 zero waste mamas that will be sharing their best tips, zero waste wins and fails, and just regular [everyday] life on Insta stories all week long," she captioned a photo of herself resting with her baby.
Sophi, known as @yourecofriend on Instagram, helped kick off #GreenMomsWeek on Sunday. Green Matters spoke with the Toronto-based massage therapist and mom of one young daughter, to learn more about her intention for the week. "I think it's important to show that not only is it possible to reduce waste with kids but that it doesn't look Instagram perfect like one may think," @yourecofriend tells Green Matters via DM. "It's messy and chaotic like any other parent. It's not any one particular way."
In her Instagram story on Sunday, @yourecofriend was honest with her followers, taking them along with her on a busy day. "It's just chaotic, just like any other mom's life," she told the camera with a laugh, before showing off a few realities of being a low-waste parent. She filmed the recycling that's been "building up for, I don't know, a couple months," her daughter's lunchbox (filled with reusable containers and a bamboo spork), and the plastic-packed Rice Krispies treat that was sent home with her daughter, adding that she is planning to join the eco team at her daughter's school.
She also hopes people who tune into #GreenMomsWeek will realize that children in low-waste households can flourish just as much as any other kid. "Our kids are not deprived. They're just like any other kids," @yourecofriend tells Green Matters.
Green Matters also spoke with Dora of @mamoradiary, who documented her life as a green mom on Monday. "We would like to get people to have a sneak peek into our day to day life as we are trying to reduce our waste as moms," the London-based blogger tells Green Matters. "Show how simple changes can make a big difference. I am on this journey for two years now and a mum of [two boys] under 4."
Throughout the day, @mamoradiary showed off things like her coconut milk-making process, her children's wooden toys, herself hand-grinding flaxseeds, the biggest bag of bulk oats you've ever seen, and her trip to a local bulk store to stock up on pantry staples. But she kept things real at breakfast time, when she fed her kids plastic-packaged Weetabix and almond milk. "We are not perfect but do what we can to live a low impact and plastic free life," @mamoradiary tells Green Matters. "[We] educate our kids as well as ourselves to find sustainable options when it comes to everyday products or long terms items."
Moms will continue to share their zero-waste parenting journeys on Instagram throughout the week under the hashtag #GreenMomsWeek. Hopefully their stories will remind other parents that living zero waste is not about perfection, but about doing your best — especially when there are children involved.