Blogilates Creator, Cassey Ho, Shares Her "Green Routine" (Exclusive)

Published Aug. 9 2021, 2:03 p.m. ET

Whether you're extremely passionate about pilates, or if you simply prefer a variety of workouts, you're most likely familiar with Cassey Ho — the social media icon, fitness guru, and famed entrepreneur created both Blogilates and POP Pilates, and boasts well over 2 million Instagram followers. That's why we're thrilled she decided to sit down with us (virtually, via email) and share her Green Routine on behalf of House Foods.
As human health and planet health go hand-in-hand, we were impressed — but not surprised — at how eco-conscious Cassey Ho is IRL.
"The Earth gives us resources but it’s a balance. If we keep abusing it, we will pay for it. And we already are," she tells us. "Protecting this home means protecting us and our loved ones."

As previously mentioned, we were able to speak with Ho on behalf of House Foods — the health blogger is obsessed with the company's line of tofu, and has come up with some seriously incredible recipes incorporated the fermented staple, including a droolworthy sandwich (for which you can sub turkey for a vegan deli meat), a Cheesecake Protein Smoothie, and simply a bagel with cream cheese — for which she substitutes silken tofu for cream cheese.
"I’ve been eating tofu my entire life!" she tells us. "My parents introduced it to me as a kid and honestly, even though I’m not vegan or vegetarian, I love the taste so much that I often choose it as my main protein over meat or fish options. It’s so versatile and full of flavor if you know how to cook it right. House Foods tofu products have always been a staple in my household plus there are so many organic varieties!"
Ho proceeded to share her Green Routine with us — and her answers definitely didn't disappoint.
GREEN MATTERS: Why is protecting the planet important to you?
CASSEY HO: I’m grateful to be able to wake up, go for a morning run, breathe in the clean air, soak in the sun, and gaze at the beautiful blue sky. I’ve gone to over industrialized countries where the sun doesn’t shine anymore and this is not how it’s supposed to be.
GM: What has your sustainability journey looked like, and have you made any major life changes to make your life more sustainable?
CH: I’ve switched to beeswax wrap instead of plastic wrap! I never throw away green onion stems - I regrow them in a cup of water to get more life out of them! I use glass straws. I carry around a reusable bottle with me everywhere. My husband and I drive only one car and it’s electric! We also just installed solar [panels] on our house! Oh and cutting down on meat consumption whenever I can, which I’m trying to convince my husband to do too. That’s why I love tofu so much, especially from House Foods. I’m trying my best to be more sustainable and I’m learning new ways everyday.
GM: What's the biggest misconception about living sustainably?
CH: That you have to live like a total hippie! Just make changes one by one, and choose a less wasteful life as much as possible. If the desire and intention is there, and you’re open to being educated, sustainability will come more naturally.
GM: Do you have any favorite sustainable exercise brands, and if so, which ones?
CH: My own brand POPFLEX! One of our top selling products that keeps selling out is our 64-fluid ounce giant bottle! It’s not only beautiful enough to be a fashion accessory but it also keeps your water ice cold all day long. I lug it with me everywhere so I can always stay hydrated. Single-use plastic bottles are such a waste, and this is a fun (and cute) way to start making sustainable changes. We also pack our clothes in non-plastic compostable bags made of corn fiber!
Green Routine is a series from Green Matters that invites notable people in the environmental space to share the efforts they make to live more sustainably.