Inspiring Fan-favorite 'Survivor' 48 Contestant Eva Erickson Shares Autism Story
Erickson is the youngest contestant on Season 48 of Survivor.
Published March 27 2025, 4:28 p.m. ET
Throughout its 48 seasons spanning a quarter century, the television show Survivor has featured many inspiring stories from countless fan-favorite players, such as legendary Survivor winner Ethan Zohn's cancer journey. The newest season, however, has featured an inspiring story so remarkable, it moved host Jeff Probst to tears — a first in the show's storied history.
If you haven't yet learned about the talented Eva Erickson, Season 48's youngest contestant, prepare to be amazed.
Why all the hullabaloo about Erickson and Season 48, Episode 5 of Survivor, specifically? If you haven't yet watched the instant-classic episode, you'll want to return to your TV immediately.
Keep reading to learn more about Erickson and the emotional bonds she has cultivated along the way.
'Survivor' 48 Contestant Eva Erickson shared her autism diagnosis on the show.
As Erickson revealed on Just Another Autism Podcast, she was diagnosed at a young age, though she has worked to thrive with this identity in many aspects of life. Erickson earned her bachelor's degree in physics from the Georgia Institute of Technology and is currently a Ph.D. candidate at Brown University’s School of Engineering.
Calling her autism diagnosis a "superpower," she told Brown that the support she receives from her family and through therapy has helped her attain so much success to this point.
“I’ve learned to channel it for good in my life, and it’s part of what makes me special and has made me successful in my life,” Erickson told Brown. “There are some drawbacks, things that make my life a little more challenging, but I’ve persevered through those.”
Throughout the beginning episodes of Season 48 of Survivor, Erickson discussed her concerns as to how the social aspect of her game will play out, as well as other nuances that she may experience as an individual with autism that her fellow contestants may not necessarily have to worry about.
During Episode 5, the sense of being overstimulated, in part, resulted in Erickson experiencing an "autism episode," which proved to be a landmark moment in television history.
“I kept failing over and over again,” Erickson told People of a table maze challenge format that has historically frustrated Survivor players. "My brain just got put in this big cycle, and I’m stuck in a loop of ‘I can’t do it. Why can’t I do it? What’s going on?’ The second that I finished all of this stress and pressure that was overstimulating me just took hold of me, and I became ungrounded, and everybody around me didn’t know what was happening.”
Remarkably, it was Erickson's confidant during the earliest episodes of the season, Joe Hunter, who played a pivotal role during those uncertain moments.
After all was said and done, Survivor — and television — history had been made, and the interaction left host Jeff Probst emotional.
All about Eva Erickson and Joe Hunter.
In the season premiere, Erickson confided only in Hunter as she shared details of her diagnosis and how she may self-soothe during tense times. "How can I help you in that moment?" Hunter compassionately asked while Erickson described being overstimulated, as well as how best to support her.
The touching interaction, though, foretold what would happen a few episodes later, as Erickson experienced difficulties during and after a challenge.
Calling Hunter her superhero, the pair's friendship transcended tribal boundary rules in Episode 5. As Erickson appears distressed post-challenge, Probst allows Hunter to embrace Erickson, reassure her, and focus on her well-being.
"You're in a safe place," Hunter reminds her, amongst a series of reassuring sentiments.
Probst then shed tears while attempting to speak to how Erickson's bravery is no-doubt inspiring young children watching at home and seeing a person like them on TV.
The moment was revolutionary, transcending the diabolical strategy often employed by past Survivor greats, and forever etching Erickson and Hunter in the show's history — irrespective of the final outcome of Season 48.