Texas and Oklahoma Were Forecasted “DVD-Sized” Hail During Severe Storms

Published June 20 2023, 2:30 p.m. ET

Severe weather is gearing up this summer, so take the proper precautions and pay attention to your local weather reports. It's no surprise that more and more reports of serious forecasts, such as hurricanes and wildfires, have appeared on the news as the climate crisis worsens.
In June 2023, the National Weather Service issued tornado watches for parts of Texas and Oklahoma, telling them to expect winds up to 90 mph and “DVD-sized” hail.

What is “DVD-sized” hail?
Severe storms swept parts of the midwest the week of June 12, 2023, leading to at least three deaths, hundreds without power, fallen trees, and hail as big as DVDs. Yes, you read that right. DVDs.
When given the “DVD-sized” comparison by the National Weather Service (NWS), many Texans, Oklahomans, and Twitter users alike couldn’t hold back a chuckle despite the severity of the prediction.
DVDs have been leaving commission and culture as streaming services take flight. The thin discs, or Digital Video Discs, a circular plate of a movie or mixtape vessel, is not a common size comparison, especially because of the lack of familiarity for the younger generations, per NonDoc.

Yet, the comparison proved to be accurate, as people posted pictures of hail discs they found in their yards. In fact, the size and weight of a “DVD-sized” hail is quite terrifying.
How to prepare for severe weather, and the difference between a tornado watch and warning:
To start, in order to prepare for a severe weather event you have to know it’s coming. Your local news should keep you updated, however, following the National Weather Service for specific safety recommendations and predictions is also a good idea. Regularly checking the forecast and listening to the NOAA Weather Radio when you speculate a storm is coming is one way to stay updated, per the NWS.
When it comes to a “DVD-sized” hailstorm, State Farm recommends staying inside as well as covering up any cars, bikes, plants, or other belongings that could be damaged during the storm. They also stress to remember to bring your pets inside or at least put them under shelter.
Another necessary preparation is making sure your insurance reflects the severe weather you could potentially experience. Reviewing your insurance policy before a storm to double-check your coverage and the process of filing a claim to regain footing after severe weather is a necessary step in storm preparation, per FEMA.
Knowing the difference between a tornado watch and a warning is necessary to stay safe during severe weather. A key difference off the bat, a tornado watch means a tornado hasn’t formed yet, but the current conditions present a likely possibility. A tornado warning means that a tornado has already formed.

During a tornado watch, residents in the area should monitor their local weather, and take shelter if possible because chances are a severe storm is already occurring that has created favorable tornado-forming conditions. A tornado can form very quickly, so tornado watches should be taken seriously.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, signs of a tornado include flying debris, funnel-shaped clouds, hail, or a rumble that sounds like a train. During a tornado warning, shelter should be taken immediately, preferably in a room with no windows on the lowest floor of the building.