Prince's Paisley Park Promises To Remain Meat-Free In His Honor
What can and can't be served at Paisley Park has been contested in the past, as Prince had very specific rules when he was alive. But on this issues, the museum and estate are standing strong.
Updated May 31 2019, 11:15 a.m. ET

Prince died in 2016, and his estate Paisley Park has remained a destination that people visit in order to pay respects to him. There are tours available on the compound in Chanhassen, Minnesota, which includes an inside look at his incredible production studio.
In an interview with The Daily Meal, the tours operation manager Mitch Maguire announced that the park will be maintaining a meat-free policy, which is in line with Prince's values. It was at times rumored that Prince was vegan, but some of his personal chefs contest that.
Prince’s personal chefs Juell Roberts and her husband, Ray, who now own a company called Peoples Organic, said in an interview with City Pages that they never cooked exclusively vegan for him.
"He didn't want anyone around him that was just stagnant because he wasn't stagnant," said Roberts. "He wanted you to be better every day. He kept you on your toes— never in a bad way. Always in a good way."
But his no meat rules were well-known.
“Prince was outspoken about animal rights and nutrition and it was not uncommon for these themes to show up in his music as well,” said Maguire.
“Out of respect for Prince and his personal ethos, Paisley Park remains a vegetarian facility for both staff and guests alike.”
When Prince was alive, he demanded visitors, including other famous artists like James Brown, R.E.M., and Kendrick Lamar, eat vegetarian on the premises as well.
"If anyone wanted a hamburger for lunch, you had to leave the campus to do it,” Maguire said, “And still do.”
It may be a relief to both vegetarians and fans of Prince to get this news; the estate was criticized for serving alcohol at Paisley Park during a Super Bowl gathering in January. At the time, fans protested the change, which was not in line with his values.
“Keeping the interior of the property smoke free, alcohol free, even meat free the way Prince maintained it is very vital to the integrity of the property,” Esther Ojeda wrote to city leaders, according to the Star Tribune.
The city ultimately voted in favor of allowing alcohol to be served by caterers, though not sold, in order to attract tourism to the area.
"Though we may have personal views about Prince and his legacy and what he may or may not have wanted, we as a City Council have the responsibility of making the best decision for the city of Chanhassen,” said Mayor Denny Laufenburger at the time.
“Approving this by no means says that we’re violating the trust Prince may have put in his organization or his studio.”
But on the matter of vegetarianism, Maguire has remained firm. Or at least job listings at the estate are—anyone applying to work there from tour guides to janitorial and security staff, must adhere “to a pescetarian environment" while on the premises.
For those that find it challenging, it's a relief to know that the menu still includes lots of delicious treats, including some of his favorites. Like pancakes, which anyone who has ever caught The Chapelle Show should be familiar with.
Pancakes and basketball at Paisley Park should be enough for anyone to have a satisfying meal.