Seeing the Number 1111 Everywhere? You May Be in for Some Good News
A lot of people believe that angel numbers hold a special significance in their lives.

Published Aug. 23 2024, 2:23 p.m. ET
Some people believe in angel numbers, which is the idea that certain numbers have a powerful meaning behind them. Those that believe in angel numbers say that their frequent appearance — whether it be captured as time on the clock, the number on your odometer, or your place in line at the deli — is actually a message from the spiritual realm.
Keep reading if you want to learn about the significance of the angel number 1111, including the hidden spiritual meaning some think it holds.
What is the spiritual significance of the angel number 1111?
People have slightly varied takes on the meaning behind angel number 1111. For example, TikToker @parul.sanjiv says that in numerology, the number 1 is believed to be ruled by the sun, while the number 11 signifies new opportunities, manifestation, and even a touch of magic.
When those numbers are combined or mirrored, she says that the two figures join powers to create a powerful gateway to creation that may unlock other pathways to help you get what you want.
Others believe that 1111 is a call to action. For example, TikToker @sanaxgoddess says that when you see 1111, it's a sign from the spirits that you need to pay attention to what is going on around you and within you. This may be because you're in a situation where you're losing focus on your goal, or because you've gotten so lost in the how of something you're doing that you've forgotten about the why.
Some actually think that seeing 1111 everywhere may be a sign that you're on the right path to achieving your goals. That makes the number — which can also appear in a variety of combinations including 11:11 on the clock or 11/11 on the calendar — a welcome sight for those who believe in the hidden messages in angel numbers.
What should you do if you keep seeing the angel number 1111?
If you want to make the most of the frequent appearance of the number, TikToker @cosmic.intuition says there are a few different things you can to do harness the digit's power.
First, she says you should focus on whatever it is you're hoping to manifest. Whether that be getting that promotion you've been after or finally finding "the one," this TikToker says you need to clearly picture what you want in your mind so that you can make it happen.
Next, she says you'll need to speak your manifestation out into the world, giving your plans a voice.
Lastly, you should thank the forces that be for putting that number on your radar all of these times, getting you into a position where you can take advantage of the magic of 1111.
If you remember each of these three steps, you'll be ready to reap the rewards of the special number the next time you see it in the wild. And now that you've read more about the angel number 1111, you'll probably start noticing it in your life even more.