These Spring Equinox Rituals Ring in the Warmer Weather

Published March 20 2023, 2:37 p.m. ET

Spring is finally here! Monday, March 20 marks the 2023 spring equinox, which means it's finally the end of winter. Pretty soon, we'll be basking in warmer weather and longer days, but at the moment, many of us are focused on the transition itself. Some consider equinoxes to be a particularly spiritual time, which is why there are so many spring equinox rituals you can partake in, to ring in the new season.
Scientifically, the spring or vernal equinox refers to equal lengths of day and night around the world. Per Teen Vogue, the Northern and Southern Hemisphere are neutral to the sun, meaning neither is tilted towards or away from it, and therefore, both receive equal amounts of daylight. Afterwards, though, the Northern Hemisphere tilts towards it, which is why we go into spring and summer, while our southern counterparts go into fall and later, winter.
For many, the equinox represents a fresh start. Wiccans refer to the spring equinox as Ostara, after the goddess of rebirth, Eostre; often taking the opportunity to plant seeds and meditate. Meanwhile, per Teen Vogue, the Jewish religion celebrates Passover which represents freedom from slavery in Egypt; while the Christian holiday Easter represents the resurrection.
Regardless of your religious beliefs (or lack thereof), we've listed fun and festive ways to spiritually celebrate, below.
Plant some seeds.

It's gardening season, baby! Spring is the prime time for plants to start growing, with warmer temperatures and more daylight. However, it also spiritually represents rebirth, making the act of planting seeds a popular spring equinox tradition. According to Wayward Inspiration, there are a number of seed blessings you can perform, but if that isn't your thing, you can simply take the time to go outside, and sow some seeds, in light of the new season.
While veggies and herbs are great, consider growing some wildflowers to attract pollinators. Just make sure you choose seeds of plants that are native to the area, to ensure you're doing what's best for your local ecosystems.
Explore the great outdoors.

We Moon advises taking a hike, traveling, or exploring for spring equinox.
Spring is historically known as the time to travel, as roads that had been closed during the winter due to inclement weather have reopened. And while actual travel isn't necessarily accessible to you on short notice, We Moon recommends getting out of the house, and either going for a walk, exploring a new park, or simply sitting a new tree in your neighborhood.
If you're planning to hike, it's important to pack the essentials. We have a list of everything you should take with you, including: food, water, sunscreen, flash lights, a map, tools, and more — there's nothing worse than being stranded in the woods.
Donate to charity.

According to Vogue UK, it's part of our life on Earth to give and receive. It's part of the energy flow that keeps our planet spinning. Therefore, the outlet recommends donating to a green charity, or donating to another philanthropic group that inspires you. Ultimately, it relates back to the idea of karma, promising that you get what you give — regardless of the cause itself.
Of course, there have been charity scams that have happened in recent years, so make sure you check the charity's accreditations ahead of time to ensure it's legitimate.
Cleanse your space and mind (aka spring cleaning!).

Way of Belonging recommends doing a "cleansing" of your space and mind — which some refer to as a spring cleaning. This not only makes your life a little less chaotic, but it also clears out negative or stale energy.
For a physical cleaning, you can dust, vacuum, or open windows for fresh air. You can take the time to wash that bedspread that's been looking a little dingy, sweep your front porch, or even clean out your closet.
Many cultures also sprinkle salt in the doorway and on window sills, to keep out any bad energy, and to purify the area. You can also keep a bowl of salt on any altars or nearby surfaces.
Smoke cleansing is another popular way to keep out bad energy. Burn some incense or a bundle of dried herbs (but only use herbs that are harvested ethically or foraged for mindfully, of course).
Host a bonfire.

Per Peculiar Brunette, bonfires are a great way to gather with your loved ones, and bask in the nice weather. It also brings "light" into your life, and allows you to get rid of any bad energy (and maybe even that junk mail you've held onto for too long).