Woman's Bath Product Collection Fills an Entire Room of Her House
Published Oct. 30 2023, 4:35 p.m. ET
When you look into your bathroom closet, does it look like a wasteland of body care products? You know, all those lotions, perfumes, and body sprays that smelled good in the store but that, after you bought them and started using them at home, you realized you couldn’t stand the smell of?
Overbuying products that you are never going to use can be extremely wasteful, not to mention expensive, but many of us are guilty of it. One TikTok creator whose collection of body care products fills an entire room is catching some criticism from people who think her beloved collection is wasteful.

TikTok creator RozayCovergirl shares videos of her huge collection of body care products.
On her TikTok page, creator RozayCovergirl (@rozaycovergirl) shares her expansive collection of body care products that she is constantly reorganizing. In a room of her house, she has at least five six-shelf bookshelves filled with products.
The scene looks more like an Ulta store than a room in someone’s home. Her collection includes products from Bath & Body Works, Dove, Native, Dr. Teals, Olay, and more. There are body washes, lotions, sprays, perfumes, and scrubs.
“Finally have my body care collection all clean and organized. I love it! It’s so much prettier,” the OP said in a video posted in February 2023. “It took a few weeks but it came out so cute.”
Collecting bath and body products definitely appears to bring RozayCovergirl joy, and bring her followers entertainment.
However, not everyone is into her videos.
Many people have pointed out how wasteful this bath product collection is.
While many of the commenters to RozayCovergirl’s February 2023 video were envious of her collection and the products that she had, some criticized her overconsumption. “...it’s hoarding,” said one commenter.
Not long after RozayCovergirl posted her reorganizing video, the video showed up on the Reddit Anticonsumption subreddit.
“No one needs this many body care products,” wrote one user. “And no one needs THIS many products to keep themselves clean. Large corporations tell us (mostly women) that we need to spend money on these ‘self care’ products. They profit off of women's insecurities by telling us that in order to be beautiful, clean, smell nice, etc., we need to buy their products. But people literally do not need all of this to stay clean. What the hell.”
Some commenters on the Reddit post attributed the mass collection of body care products to a shopping addiction, while others suggested that such “hoarding situations” are often due to growing up in poverty.
“For some who grow up underprivileged there just something that feels good about being in a store. Like kids would walk down to the store together all the time even if only one person needed something or had enough money to buy anything,” wrote one Reddit user. “I think it's just the idea of being surrounded by options and plenty. Like for a few dollars you can walk around the store and for a minute you can imagine that you have the option to eat or drink anything you want.”
If you, like many of us, tend towards overconsumption, check out some of Green Matters' many guides to creating a zero-waste bath routine.