Constipated? Try The Viral "7-Second Poop Trick" Every Morning
These tricks may make your bathroom visits more productive.

Published Oct. 25 2024, 1:20 p.m. ET
Being digestively backed up can be an incredibly uncomfortable (and sometimes painful) condition, especially when you've tried making the dietary changes necessary to help get things moving on your own. And this is why some folks find themselves reaching for the medicine cabinet for a cure.
But did you know the answer to your constipation problems may actually be an incredibly common kitchen staple?
According to some folks, apple cider vinegar (aka ACV) can work wonders when it comes to clearing out your digestive tract. In fact, many people swear by apple cider vinegar for curing constipation, and they even claim that there is a 7-second poop trick you can use in addition to ACV when adding more fiber and fluid to your diet isn't working.
Find out more about the so-called hack below.

What is the 7-second poop trick?
The concept of the 7-second poop trick was created by Dr. Gina Sam. She came up with the idea while looking for a way to help people regulate their bowl movements, according to the Rupa Health website, which can not only help with regular bathroom breaks, but may also relieve the discomfort associated with constipation.
To use her method, you'll need a glass of room temperature water and a little bit of room in your bed for moving around.
The first step in the process begins as soon as your open your eyes. Dr. Sam says kicking off the day by downing a full glass of water can not only wake your digestive system up, but it may also rehydrate you and help get any toxins that built up in your system overnight ready to move.
Next, you'll need to do the Pawanmuktasana yoga pose — aka the gas release pose — while still lying in bed.
This involves bringing your knees to your chin while lying on your back. You'll also need to focus on taking deep and measured breaths.
All of this is supposed to take place in less than a minute — Dr. Sam says it can be done in as little as seven seconds, hence the name — allowing you to complete the ritual before your feet even hit the floor for the day.
Plenty of people have had good results with this method — antidotally, when my children were younger, their pediatrician told me to try something similar when they were backed up — which may make this an option worth trying for some.
After all, worse can scenario, you'll just end up kicking off your day with a big more hydration and flexibility than you would otherwise.
Add apple cider vinegar to your 7-second poop trick to make it work even better.
If you're not having enough luck getting things moving when using the steps above, you can try adding a dose of ACV to your routine. Dr. Sam suggests adding approximately 2 teaspoons of ACV into a single cup of water during breakfast.
You can repeat this process again at dinnertime, adding a second mix of the ACV and water to your mealtime routine. She claims that this can help improve the conditions in your stomach that will lead to more regular bowl movements.
However, she advises anyone who tries this trick to stick to just the recommended amount, because more than 2 tablespoons a day can cause some unpleasant side effects for some folks.
Healthline notes that there's no scientific proof to back up the claims of Dr. Sam and those on TikTok who swear by this trick, but that doesn't seem to be stopping people from trying it. As such, the health magazine warns anyone who wants to try this approach to beware of possible complications.
Things like upset stomach, damage to your tooth enamel, frequent urination, reduced bone density, and low potassium are all among the possible side effects of drinking ACV.
That being said, this article shouldn't serve as a substitute for medical advice and if you're curious about trying something new to help with constipation you should reach out to your doctor to discuss your options.