These Memes Will Remind You That Every Day Should Be Earth Day

Updated April 4 2023, 4:04 p.m. ET

Happy Earth Day! Each year on April 22, we celebrate planet Earth, encourage our readers to get involved in climate action, and share resources for better dedicating yourself to the fight against climate change. (But we do that every day of the year, too.)
And whether you're choosing to celebrate by reading Earth Day books with your kids, donating to environmental charities, or celebrating in your own way, remember we only have one planet and we ought to do our best to take care of it and make sure it lasts as long as possible.
But community service aside, it's also fun to look through funny Earth Day memes that will make taking care of our planet a little more delightful.
And next time you see your co-worker throwing his plastic in the trash rather than in the recycling bin, you'll have a bevy of memes to call him out with.
Keep scrolling for 17 Earth Day memes that'll put a smile on your face.
1. Can we talk about how we somehow care more about our phones than the trees that keep us alive?

Give it up for trees!
2. Let's celebrate Earth Day the right way.
Doing some sun salutations on your roof or in your backyard should give you the ultimate Earth Day high.
3. Trees will always have the last laugh.

Trees always have and always will punish you when you're being mean. No better way to make sure you're aware of your paper usage than by giving you the occasional paper cut while you're oh-so-patiently waiting for your 80-page deck to finish printing.
4. Give a round of applause to science.
Sometimes ya just gotta take a moment and honor the beautiful thing that is science. And puns.
5. Why are we like this?

We all know that person who goes to the beach and treats the ocean like their own personal garbage bin. Don't be that person! And send this to that friend of yours who is.
6. You'd think...

This one goes hand in hand with the above. Why do we treat the little ocean creatures so poorly, and then act alarmed when we hear that our favorite fishes are contaminated by pollution and overfishing?
7. How's this for a sext?

Next time someone tries to slide into the DMs for dirty talk, hit them with something like this: "The ocean is filled with plastic and sewage and the coral reef will be dead in seven years because of the filth." It's sure to spark the mood.
8. Sometimes you'll have a little breakdown.
It happens to the best of us.
9. Just imagine, your life could be so beautiful.

But let's be real, 70 percent of your friends don't even know how to recycle properly.
10. How will you celebrate Earth Day?

For the record, reusing is always better than recycling — but refusing and reducing are king!
11. Paris Hilton said it first.

That is hot! Mainly because of global warming. But let's make sure we try and keep it as chill as possible by respecting our planet!
12. Awkwardddddd...

Poor Mother Earth, feeling like Earth Day is the only day in the entire year we pay it her dues. Going forward, why not make Earth Day every day?
13. Take care of your homes for life.

It's not just that we literally can't afford buying homes anymore, though that definitely plays a part. It's more that instead of obsessing over property and mortgages, we'd do better to just care a little more about the homes we're literally stuck with for the rest of our lives: our one body and our one planet Earth.
14. If you were wondering how trees are celebrating Earth Day...

It seems like they're going hard.
15. This is role model behavior.

For real, though. That's how much respect you'll want to be giving the Earth — not only on Earth Day, but every day.
16. Recycling AND puppers? Who said the perfect meme didn't exist?

Sure, this may just look like a cute meme (side note: how do we train our dogs to recycle in our stead?), but did you know that three dogs actually helped rebuild a Chilean forest that was devastated by fire? Don't @ me, but your cat could never.
17. We're gonna party like it's your Earth Day!

Even though Earth Day can bring up feelings of eco-anxiety or climate doom, remember that keeping a positive attitude and sense of humor can go a long way, even in the face of things as scary as the climate crisis. Happy Earth Day!