15 Silly Greta Thunberg Memes That Every Climate Advocate Can Relate To
Published Oct. 23 2023, 10:25 a.m. ET
She’s an activist. She’s an icon. And now, these Greta Thunberg memes prove that she’s also the perfect inspiration for some good laughs.
It turns out that fighting the climate crisis and getting arrested can lead to some pretty great material for internet comedians worldwide. Sometimes, a silly meme is just what we need to lighten the mood.
1. We’ve never seen someone look happier while being carried away by police.
In January 2023, Thunberg was carried away by German police during a protest against a coal mine, according to CNBC. Despite being detained, the Swedish activist looks happier than ever.
2. Smart children who know everything about science, unite.
Youth activists are incredibly important. They can be some of the most motivated, dedicated, and knowledgeable people fighting for a cause. Using our social media platforms is a great way to spread vital information and get more community members on board.
3. Who can blame her?
Sometimes, it’s okay to not be friends with everyone.
4. Thunberg always sticks to what she believes in.
Maybe we could make an exception… just kidding! We have to stick to our morals no matter what (or who) gets in the way.
5. She is pretty great.
It’s no secret that Thunberg is working tirelessly to make our world better. She’s participated in countless protests, spoken to world leaders, and is constantly encouraging others to do the same.
6. We don’t think that’s what Thunberg was going for…
We’ve seen it time and time again: Young activists standing up for what they believe in, being told “great job,” and then being dismissed. Thankfully, we don’t give up easily.
7. We can’t help it.
Yes, she is a serious activist doing serious things, but not all memes are bad. While Thunberg is spreading awareness by getting arrested at protests, the rest of us are making memes and trying our best to remember to use our reusable grocery bags.
8. If we’re lucky she’ll bring snacks.
We can have an intense roundtable discussion while eating delicious vegan treats.
9. The only time it’s okay to be a Karen:
No, seriously. What’s their phone number? How soon are they available? We need to schedule an emergency meeting ASAP.
10. If we were all carried around by police offers, emissions would drop drastically.
Forget about eco-friendly modes of transportation like walking and biking. This is our new normal.
11. Don’t mess with Thunberg on X (aka Twitter).
We won’t be roasting her — or even attempting to do so — anytime soon.
12. She’s seriously hardcore.
What can we say? Thunberg is dedicated to the cause. If a couple of intimidating tattoos are all it takes to get people to listen, consider it done.
13. We’re starting to worry that they’re not picking up what we’re putting down.
Fighting for climate action can be extremely frustrating. Sometimes, it seems like no matter what we say or do, nothing ever gets done. That’s why it’s crucial to never stop demanding action and remember all the great things we’ve already achieved or that are in progress.
14. Couldn’t they at least try to carpool?
Unsurprisingly, politicians don’t always practice what they preach. Oh, and if you’re wondering, Thunberg got to the 2019 United Nations Climate Summit by sailing across the Atlantic.
15. Nothing has ever been more perplexing.
No, the world is not going to end. However, if the climate crisis continues to get worse, our world isn’t going to be in great shape, to say the least. Immediate action is necessary!